

Saturday, May 27, 2006

A flaw has been found in Symantec's latest antivirus software that allows hackers to exploit a PC without the user having to open anything.

The problem was first discovered by eEye Digital Security, which reported it as a 'high level' threat.



SpywareBlaster 3.5.1
Proactive protection against spyware

Platform Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Type freeware
Manufacturer Javacool Software
Size 2.44MB

Free Download

SpywareBlaster is free for personal or educational use, and offers a different kind of protection to many similar titles on the market.

Rather than remove spyware once it has been installed on your PC, this software prevents it being installed in the first place.

There are settings for Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox, offering varying levels of protection.
Portable Firefox 1.5.03

Portable Firefox is a fully functional package of the Mozilla Firefox web browser optimized for use on a USB key drive. It has some specially-selected optimizations to make it perform faster and extend the life of your USB key as well as a specialized launcher that will allow most of your favorite extensions to work as you switch computers. It will also work from a CDRW drive (in packet mode), ZIP drives, external hard drives, some MP3 players, flash RAM cards and more (Note: It will not run from read-only media like a CD-R, but Portable Firefox Live will).

Download Now!!

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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Microsoft launches Office 2007 public beta

The first release was limited to a group of about 10,000 customers and partners, and the final product is slated for release in early 2007.

The beta is available as a download to the general public, but will expire on 31 January 2007.

Office 2007's most visible new feature is a user interface that will change according to the task that a user is performing.

The interface replaces current menus and toolbars with a 'ribbon' that will change according to the task. It aims to better advertise features that are available as part of the products.

Read the full story.
A zero-day vulnerability appeared last Friday (May 19, 2006) in the form of a critical vulnerability in Microsoft Word. According to Symantec it was being actively exploited with a Trojan horse the company calls Trojan.Mdropper.H. Symantec only rates the specific exploit as a level 1 threat, but they have raised their global Threatcon level to 2 due to the risk of serious exploits arriving.

Read more about now: The Word is a Zero Day Vulnerability


Friday, May 19, 2006

Mac OSX Overflowing With Vulnerabilities

Apple has released Security Update 2006-003, a monster update affecting many software components. It may be downloaded and installed through the built-in Software Update feature or from Apple Downloads. Note that some of these updates are for third-party packages included with OS X, and it's possible you have updated them directly.

Read more about it: Mac OSX Overflowing


Saturday, May 13, 2006

Serious flaws in Mac OS X and QuickTime software could put Macintosh and Windows systems at risk of cyberattack, Apple Computer has warned.
Read more about it HERE


Thursday, May 04, 2006

Let's look ahead and see what the next versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Opera have in store.

since all these browsers are still in beta, not all Web sites may display properly, not all ad-ons or extensions may work within the new builds, and the apps themselves may unexpectedly crash or freeze.

Read more about it HERE
Mozilla has issued a security update for its Firefox open-source browser, just weeks after it released a large fix to address several browser security flaws.

The Firefox update is designed to address vulnerabilities in versions 1.5 through
Read more about it here


Crash bug in Apple's Safari Web browser version 2.0.3

A researcher publicly disclosed a crash bug in Apple's Safari Web browser version 2.0.3

The vulnerability, as of yet, appears only to crash the browser, not allow code execution, but oftentimes further research yields more serious attacks.

Click here to read the entire message...

